Useless 'Facebook' for students
Jumat, 21 Januari 2011 by .aiu sii nonna bii..^^ in categories

         Facebook is a sosial network which connect and share with your friends or family. I'm sure many students in MAN 3 Kediri have facebook. I personally consider facebook is not important for them. Why facebook is useless for students? Below are some reasons.

          Firstly, facebook can make students lazy to learn. Everyday they go to Warnet and open their facebook to update their status and write what's on their mind. So their homework or study is not resolved. Besides, facebook can make us not concentrated.

            Secondly, facebook is just used by students for dating. Lot of students in facebook, use facebook just to communication with their boyfriends or girlfriends. I see and trace, one of them said 'I love u' for boyfriend. Whereas she still a student in school and not worthy for that.

           Thirdly, facebook can make our mastery of indonesian bad and poor. Because facebook users in writing or commenting on the status of their friends, often abbreviate words. Thats what cause students are difficult to understand the reading of literature.

            In conclusion, for the above, I belive the facebook is not important an useless for students. So, I suggest you not to use facebook, if you are still students.

by Ayu Fauziah Makarim

  1. Malah morat marit tampilan blogmu..
    ojo di utek-utek to...

  1. ho'oh...enag'e tak balekne ky mbyen nggak ya??

  1. iyo pean ganti yang simple aja tampilannya.. penting isinya bermanfaat buat orang banyak...

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